Tuesday, January 08, 2008

What is a Democrat to do?

What is a liberal, white, working class female Democrat to do?

Of course, any Democrat would be better than the current occupant of the White House. I would be delighted with Obama, thrilled with Hillary, and pleased with Edwards. It's fabulous to have three terrific top candidates. But, you have to pick one. It is a hard decision. Especially for someone like me.

Obama is very smart. I admire him. I would be so proud if America elected a black man President. I do wonder if his style has enough substance. Does it?

I read his memoir of his childhood. It was very moving. He has youth on his side. He could run again in four, eight, or twelve years. How wise is he?

Hillary is amazing. She is a woman. It's high time we have a woman. That could be reason enough for me, but there is so much more. She survived the Republican scourge and humiliating scandals. Clearly she is brave, and smart. She has wisdom. She has Bill.

A first lady normally concerns herself with writing books about dogs, or wearing nice clothes. Hillary tried to fix our health care system.

Edwards is a local. We live in the same town. As Tip O'Neill said, "All politics is local." He is a self made man. He is a champion for the working class and poor. He much like Al Gore was robbed last time.

Spoilt for choice for President?

Since today is the New Hampshire Primary, I'm getting excited about the race. One of my sisters lives in New Hampshire and we frequently compare notes. She is not very politically active, but she does vote. She has been called repeatedly for weeks. She has been invited to many political events. On the other hand, I have not been contacted by anyone.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Hi, Dot Com Mom! You were my first even commenter on my blog, so I thought I'd visit and return the favor.

Yes, we should be grateful that it's so hard to decide between the Democrat candidates. The glass is half full!