Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Teach them well

Zoe spent half of her summer vacation at a sports camp swimming and ice skating. She spent the rest of the summer at the ArtsCenter doing dramatic and crafty arts. It seems that the dramatic arts have set in well.

A while ago, I was dropping Zoe off at a birthday party. On the short drive to the other child's house, I spent the time reminding Zoe to be polite, to say happy birthday, to remember to say please and thank you, and all the usual mom stuff.

A couple hours later, when I picked her up from the party, I asked her how it went. She said it was great that she had a fun time. Then, I asked her if she had followed my instruction to be polite and say happy birthday, please, thank you, etc. She said, "Sorry mom, I forgot my lines."

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