Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Walking Pneumonia

Poor little Owen has been sick with walking pneumonia. He's been running high fevers and has a very bad cough. We've each been suffering with something bad for the past few weeks. In this picture, he's climbed into my sweater for some comfort and warmth. He actually looks pretty good considering.

It's nearly his birthday. We're not sure if he'll be up for a party. These germs are running rampant in the area. So, I'm hesitant to schedule anything.

It's been a rough winter with lots of challenges. Let's hope it is soon forgotten with the upcoming Spring.

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suec said...

hi- i hope the little guy and all the rest of you are feeling better! cute picture!

noricum said...

Ugh! I hope he's feeling better soon, and doesn't end up with any long term consequences! I hope you and the rest of the family feel better soon too. :( *hugs*

Anonymous said...


Get well so you can enjoy your cake and presents.
