Thursday, March 08, 2007

101st post

My last post was my 100th post. I meant to mark the occasion but I couldn't come up with anything clever. Then a lot of time lapsed. And, now I'm ranting again.

The reasons are many, and typical. My doctor had me worried for three weeks about some blood work. I had some nasty, brutal dental work with more to come. I got stressed out from that and then got sick. I enrolled in yet another computer class (Dreamweaver). My new job is harder. The book club I joined is reading interesting books that I feel compelled to read.

My kids are being extra difficult. Owen is screaming all the time. He's waking up screaming about missing blankets and scary monsters in his room. Zoe is having trouble with school. She avoids and deliberately looses her homework every week.

I had to go on a stressful, freezing business trip to New York City. The average temp was 12 degrees with a terrible wind bring it to -12 degrees. Even though I'm from Boston, I can't remember ever being so cold. And, my return flight was a nightmare. The plane was broken, and we had to get off, wait, wait, wait and wait. Then rush to another airport and try to get home. That flight was full, and then delayed. Are you surprised to learn that I threw up on the plane, and in the parking garage, and again in my car? (Their barf bags do work surprisingly well.)

And, my husband is working too much, and traveling more. Oy vey!

Of course, the things that I drop are exercising, sleeping, blogging, and knitting...not necessarily in that order. Just all the things that I do to help me relax.


noricum said...

*hugs* Take care of yourself!!!

Anonymous said...

oh dear, i think this is what they mean by "it never rains but it pours". i had no idea that the last few weeks had sucked totally. i think lunch might need to include either a stiff drink or a decadent dessert! maybe a tiny knitting project would help....sue

Anonymous said...

Yikes! I got some of this picture last night but I didn't fully realize... I guess a visit to Target won't count for exercise, but at least perhaps the friend time will help?

Anonymous said...

I hope things slow down soon and that the kiddies quit giving you fits! Take care of yourself.ww